Jan-Nico Zaech

Hi, my name is Nico. I am a research scientist at INSAIT where I lead a team working on robotic foundation models and 3D scene understanding. My research revolves around building end-to-end algorithms for autonomous robotic systems and bringing quantum computing into computer vision and machine learning.

Computer Vision for Autonomous System

Autonomous robotic systems are finding their way into our daily lives. My work aims at teaching these systems to understand and predict their environment.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing has the potential to transform the way we solve inherently hard problems. I am fascinated by bringing this paradigm to the computer vision community.


I am currently a research scientist at INSAIT where I lead a team working on the various aspects of vision foundation models for robotic applications.

I recieved my Ph.D. from ETH Zürich in 2024. During my studies I worked on the TRACE project at the Computer Vision Lab, with Prof. Luc Van Gool and Dr. Martin Danelljan. Alongside my main project, I served as the supervisor for the ETH RoboCup team NomadZ and have managed the institute’s major cluster investment.

I received my M.Sc. in Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering from FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg with highest distinction. During my Master’s thesis I worked at the Johns Hopkins University with Prof. Mathias Unberath on autonomous CT imaging systems and realistic x-ray simulation. Furthermore, I gained research experience in radio astronomy image reconstruction from my involvement with the Square Kilometer Array at Callaghan Innovation New Zealand. On the industry side, I worked with Intel and interned at AWS.


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INSAIT, Synergy Tower

1784 Sofia, Bulgaria